The Royal Commission

There is currently taking place a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions.

Presbyterian Support Otago welcomes this Inquiry and the recommendations to come from the Royal Commission .

As we provide care for children and young people, we are involved in this Inquiry. Over the period of the Royal Commission’s inquiry (1950-1999), we were operating orphanages and foster care services.

We were devastated to discover that during this period children and young people were mistreated or abused. It is heartbreaking that some of these cases occurred under our care.

To the victims and their families, we are so very sorry.

The abuse and mistreatment of children, young people and vulnerable adults was never ok, not at any moment throughout all time, and this is certainly not who we are today. As these historical abuses have come to light, we have worked with the victims to apologise and support them as best we could. We are 100% committed to continuing to work with the Royal Commission and the victims of abuse to find the best ways of supporting them.

If you or a member of your family has been harmed while in the care of Presbyterian Support Otago services, there are a number of ways your complaint can be heard:

If you have concerns or experiences that you want to share directly with Presbyterian Support Otago or wish to seek redress, please contact us Jo O'Neill on 03 477 7115 or email: You can also complete the form at the bottom of this page and we will be in touch. 

If you wish to engage with the Royal Commission (either at the same time or separately to bringing your concerns to us directly) there is information on the Royal Commission’s website at

If you have signed a settlement in the past relating to an abuse claim with Presbyterian Support, we waive any confidentiality clause or obligation on you that might cause you to hesitate from talking to the Royal Commission.

We acknowledge the hurt and pain that has been caused in the past to some in our care.
Our Christian faith and values will guide us as we walk the long road with survivors to a place of healing.

Please click here for more information about how we are working with the Royal Commission.

Contact Form 

I would like someone from Presbyterian Support Otago to contact me regarding the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in Care.