As we look towards Octacan, the importance of our foodbank is in focus. We are so grateful for the team of volunteers who assist with running the foodbank.
Over 10,000 food items are distributed in around 240 food parcels each month. The community generously donates many of the items included in the food parcels.
Audrey Clarke is one of our fantastic foodbank volunteers. We chatted with Audrey as she carefully sorted the sauce into small containers, ready for food parcels.
“I have been volunteering in the foodbank for just over a year now. I’m here for a few hours every Tuesday and my role involves sorting, bagging and tidying up donated supplies so they are ready for distribution to families in need. I enjoy it because I like to be tidy!”
“I found out about the role through an ad in the paper, and I thought I could spare a few hours to help. I am pretty busy myself, but I find it very satisfying taking a few hours each week to lend a hand in the foodbank.”
“Last year I was asked to help with the coordination of the Family Works Christmas Appeal, to help make it easy for families to come and receive their gifts and food parcels.”
“My two granddaughters helped put up the Christmas tree and it was all hands on deck. The highlight was seeing all the families coming in and seeing how grateful they all were. It was very emotional for me.”
“Everyone can get something out of volunteering, no matter your background. The company and the people in the foodbank and social work team make it all worthwhile, and we always have a bit of a laugh.”
Article by Isabel Colville