1 March 2016


 Presbyterian Support Otago has re-named our services for older people “Enliven”.  Our community-based, retirement and residential aged care services now fall under this new national brand.

Enliven logo PS OTAGO colour


Enliven may be a familiar name to you.  It is the brand under which Presbyterian Support Otago delivers our community-based services. It is the brand used by our sister Presbyterian Support agencies for older persons’ services in other parts of New Zealand. 

By changing our service name to Enliven, we seek to build awareness of the service philosophy that guides all our work with older people in the community.  We are not changing the high standard of care and support provided by our staff and volunteers, just the way we talk about it.

The Enliven service philosophy is:

Some things make for healthier, happier living, no matter what your age.  A sense of community; friends, family, whānau; giving and receiving; making decisions for yourself; and, most of all, practical support when you need it.  At Enliven we work alongside you and your family to achieve these things.

To better communicate the Enliven service philosophy, you will start to see new images, language, logo and design elements in our printed materials and website.  The colours are fresh, the images real and the style more contemporary. 

We are very excited by these changes and feel strongly that they better reflect the quality and care with which our staff and volunteers work with senior members of our community.