Our Family Works foodbank in Dunedin was delighted to receive a very generous donation from Otago Boys' High School.
Otago Boys' High has a House system where all the boys are divided into four houses. They have several House Competitions every year, to see which house comes out on top.
One of these competitions is linked to our Octacan campaign. Points are issued for items of food or personal items. The house that donates the most points wins.
This year McIndoe House won the competition, donating around 1,000 points worth of goods more than the other houses. McIndoe house was named after Archibald Hector McIndoe, a New Zealand-born surgeon whose pioneering treatment of burns victims during the Second World War revolutionised the field of plastic surgery.
A big thank you to the families and young men of Otago Boys High School who donated over 2,000 items to our foodbank.