22 September 2017

PSO Enliven homes are at the top of their game

Presbyterian Support Otago is delighted that all eight of our Enliven Homes have achieved four-year certification from the Ministry of Health. This is the highest level of certification status given to care homes in New Zealand.

This achievement has been reached following recent audits of three Enliven homes in Otago. These are Ross Home in Dunedin, and Elmslie House and Aspiring Enliven, both in Wanaka.  Our other five homes also have four-year certification from audits in recent years.

Of the 70 care homes in the Otago and Southland area, 17 have four year certification and just under half of these are Enliven care homes.

“Four-year certification confirms that Enliven homes consistently provide service and care over and above sector standards, set by the Ministry of Health. It speaks volumes for the calibre of over 650 very committed staff, and the dedicated contribution of countless volunteers, in our homes,” said Maurice Burrowes, Enliven Director.

“Achieving four-year certification has been a key area of focus for the Enliven team over the last decade. To achieve this has taken a real team effort from our staff and volunteers in all areas of our homes, along with regional support staff. We are very proud of our team.”

Having all eight of our care homes at four-year certification is a phenomenal result. This is significantly ahead of certification rates for the rest of the sector, who average approximately 20% of their homes recognised with four-year certification.

“This recognition follows public acknowledgment of Presbyterian Support Enliven services, when we were named Most Trusted Brand for Aged Care and Retirement Villages earlier this year.”

“All of our Enliven homes in Otago continue to see high levels of interest from potential residents and we always have names on our waiting lists. Residents and their families regularly provide feedback confirming high levels of satisfaction with the quality care and support our teams provide,” said Mr Burrowes.

Enliven care homes provide accommodation for up to 468 residents at rest home, hospital and dementia level care.