25 August 2016

Your donation makes a difference

The opening statement of the First Annual Report of the Presbyterian Social Service Association (now Presbyterian Support Otago), for the year ending September 30, 1907 reads:

It is with great gratitude to God that we place the following report of the first year’s operations of the P.S.S.A. before its friends and sympathisers. The work has in many respects been difficult. Many of the disappointments known so well to all who engage in similar work have been experienced, but on the other hand there has been much to encourage us. Many who have been assisted during the year gratefully acknowledge that help rendered, and their lives also testify that the assistance has not been given in vain. In a letter, received only a few days ago, a lad of 19, referring to the past, writes: - “I will never forget the first day I was spoken to and another chance offered me. I think over it all when I am working, and what a difference it all has made to me.”

110 years later, with your help, we are still making a difference. Thank you for your ongoing support.