Introducing Chrissy Cause 17 November 2023 We need your help this Christmas and beyondChrissy Cause is a joy to be around! As our Christmas and Beyond mascot (not unlike Can-dice who featured prominently during Octacan), Chrissy... Shopping with a difference 17 November 2023 The Shop on Carroll team are delighted with the new shop at the Princes Street location, and are super excited about what’s coming next! Co-managers, Fiona Dodds and Cristin Waite, and... Message from our CEO 17 November 2023 Kia ora koutou One of the strengths of Presbyterian Support Otago is the ability we have to connect people together, those in need, and those in a position to help fill... A is for Amazing Audrey 17 November 2023 Foodbank volunteer, Audrey Clarke, is described by the people she works with as having a heart of gold, a big smile and always willing to help. Epitome of positivity 17 November 2023 Beverley Livingstone is the epitome of positivity and is often seen walking around the streets of Dunedin with eight dogs in her care – Pippin, Charlie, Tina, Tommy, Friendly, Simeon,... The name says it all! 17 November 2023 Bev Nuttall has a serious job at our Enliven care home Iona, in Oamaru, but her name is a perfect fit for her bubbly and whacky sense of humour because... Welcome to our new Board members 17 November 2023 We are pleased to announce that five new members have recently joined the PSO Board. Honoured for her service 17 November 2023 We would like to congratulate Julie Cecchi on her Presbyterian Support Otago Life Membership award, in recognition of her outstanding contribution in volunteering. Connecting through our churches 17 November 2023 Some people believe churches have generally lost their influence in local communities. Sharing Gingerbread Wreath 17 November 2023 INGREDIENTS1 cup granulated sugar 180g salted soft butter ¾ cup molasses (or golden syrup) 1 large egg 3½ cups plain flour 2 tablespoons baking soda 2½ tablespoons ground ginger ¼ teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon FOR THE... Leaving a Gift in your Will 17 November 2023 Leaving a gift in your Will is an incredible way of showing you care for your community and the people who live in it - not just right now, but... Making a difference, together! 17 November 2023 We hope you will join in helping us give the gift of hope for a brighter year ahead to families and people in need this Christmas and the holiday season. Tick 4 Kids 25 September 2023 Presbyterian Support, together with Save the Children, UNICEF NZ, Child Poverty Action Network, Barnardos and CCS Disability Action (to name just a few) have joined forces to promote a campaign... Spring People Magazine 2023 18 September 2023 This issue of People focuses on our enduring care, compassion and kindness for those around us this Spring. A season of renewal, growth, and hope. New venture for Presbyterian Support Otago retail shops 18 September 2023 The three retail Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) op shops (Shop On Carroll, Shop On St Andrew, and Shop On Carroll Online) are about to undergo a major transformation. Interview with David Strang, volunteer piano player – Elmslie House 18 September 2023 Meet music maker David Strang – our gifted piano player at Elmslie House in Wanaka. Message from our CEO 18 September 2023 Tenā koutou, The relationship between PSO and the Southern Presbytery has been formalised with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). CEO and Board Chair raising money for social services! 18 September 2023 Presbyterian Support Otago’s Board Chair, Stephanie Pettigrew (left), and, CEO, Jo O’Neill signed up to complete the Great Naseby Water Race to raise money and awareness for Family Works social... Budget-friendly potato cakes 18 September 2023 INGREDIENTS 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes ⅓ - ½ cup flour 2 tablespoons milk 1 ½ - 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon chopped mixed herbs salt and pepper to taste ¼ cup fried bacon pieces (optional) METHOD Combine mashed...