Fun in our care homes 18 September 2023 There’s always something planned for our Enliven aged care residents. To care and be cared for 18 September 2023 From rubbing the feet of a male resident to warm them up, to returning a well-used corset to a female resident, retired Ross Home nurse Fay Smith saw it all. Notice Board 18 September 2023 Enliven Director recognisedCongratulations to our amazing Enliven Director, Sally O’Connor, who was recognised at the Te Whatu Ora Southern Nursing Excellence Awards, receiving the Outstanding Service to Nursing Award. Making a difference, together! 18 September 2023 As we start to see Spring blossoms appear and see newborn animals like lambs leaping around farm paddocks, we think about the care that’s needed for new life to flourish. Working together for our community 18 September 2023 Having endured a violent relationship with her former partner, Christina and her children returned to Oamaru where she had grown up, initially living in emergency housing and now living in... Churches supporting PSO 18 September 2023 PSO is very grateful to the support we receive from Presbyterian churches across Otago. Here’s a snapshot of some of the wonderful work that’s being done. Leaving a Gift in your Will 18 September 2023 Leaving a gift in your will is an incredible way of showing you care for your community and the people who live in it - not just right now, but... Octacan 2023 18 September 2023 The final count is in for Octacan, 19,243 cans were collected for our foodbank during our winter appeal!Our foodbank continues to experience extremely high demand for food parcels, so your... New unit to open at Ross Home - come and join our team! 28 June 2023 A new 24-bed unit is set to open at Ross Home, helping alleviate the increasing demand for hospital level care in Dunedin. Facing the reality of financial hardship 21 June 2023 The scourge of financial hardship is being witnessed every day at Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) as more vulnerable individuals and whānau look for help to deal with the ever-increasing cost... Winter People Magazine 2023 2 June 2023 This edition of People focuses on the challenges and celebrations experienced by the Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) community since our last edition. Story of a Can 2 June 2023 Octacan, the Family Works annual foodbank can appealIt might be a freezing cold day in Dunedin, the temperature biting as the Octagon slowly comes to life with people of all... A family with a difference 2 June 2023 Ranui Care Home celebrates 50 years!For 50 years Ranui (being the Māori word for ‘a place in the sun’) has been the home for a lot of older people. Celebrating Vintage Fashion in Dunedin 2 June 2023 The Shop On Carroll Vintage Fashion Show, held at Maggies in lower Stuart Street, was a sell-out event, and run in conjunction with iD Fashion Week 2023. Bent but not broken 2 June 2023 Jeffery McLeod, affectionately known as ‘Cloudy’, has lived just about all his life in New Zealand, mostly in Wanaka and a short stint in Sydney in the early 1980s. Leaving a gift in your will 2 June 2023 Judy Elliot had a special connection with Ranui, our Enliven care home in Alexandra. Judy was very supportive and was an enthusiastic member of the Ranui House Committee. Toffee Apple Pie 2 June 2023 A modern twist on an old classic, perfect to enjoy and share with friends on a cold day. Geography no barrier to supporting PSO 2 June 2023 John and Nancy Phelps-Keith have big hearts and support the work of Presbyterian Support Otago (PSO) by making regular donations – from the other side of the world! The couple from... One step at a time 2 June 2023 Volunteering at Stepping StonesHonouring the collective energies and mana of volunteers in AotearoaMeet Neil Burrow, one of our wonderful volunteers at Stepping Stones, Dunedin.