YouthGrow is a 'life ready, work ready' programme for 16-24 year olds. We help young people to build on their skills, while learning other useful life skills like cooking, planning and budgeting.
YouthGrow understands that people learn in different ways and provides a supportive, hands-on approach to education to meet the developmental needs of a young person. Our experienced team work with the young people to make sure they get the best out of their experience with us.
At YouthGrow we use the words 'life ready, work ready' to describe our graduates. On completing YouthGrow they will feel more in control and better prepared for the next phase of life's journey.
To register your interest in joining YouthGrow, complete this registration form, or call YouthGrow on 03 473 1334.
9 Centennial Avenue, Helensburgh, Dunedin 9010
Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm, following the school calendar
16-24 year olds