
At Holmdene you'll find plenty of activities on offer that will keep you entertained and informed.

This list is endless but here's a few examples of what you can expect to do on any given day:

  • Sing-alongs
  • Play housie
  • Have an afternoon of being pampered
  • Listen to someone read the newspaper
  • Making crafts
  • Quizzes and word games
  • Happy Hour
  • Play fun games such as bean bag toss or balloon hockey

We aim to meet your or your loved ones' social and physical needs through our activities. They're great boredom busters, and there's never a dull moment at Holmdene!

If you would like to find out more or would like to visit Holmdene, please contact manager, Stephenie Leith, on 0204 104 7849 or email

Residents and friends join in the sing-along

Fish 'n Chips and Happy Hour!

Crowning glory marks King Charles' coronation