Leave a gift in your Will

A gift for Otago's future

How do you picture Otago's future?  Do you imagine a community where all children are safe, well fed and nurtured to fulfil their potential?  Do you see second chances for people who have faced challenging life circumstances?  Do you envision genuine companionship and care for older people?

If you picture a community where people of all ages, backgrounds and situations feel happy and safe, then we share your vision for the future. 

Together, we've made progress.  But we can do more to help our family, friends and neighbours live healthy, fulfilling lives.  With your ongoing support, that's what we aim to do.

One child, one family, one neighbourhood at a time, we make a difference. 

GiftforOtagoA4   Leaving a Gift in your Will

Click the images above to download the information booklet and brochure on leaving a gift

If you would like to know more about including Presbyterian Support Otago in your Will, please complete the enquiry form below or contact Olivia Willems on 03 477 7115 or email olivia.willems@psotago.org.nz.