6 June 2024

Bracing for winter

As winter quickly approaches, there will be many Kiwis who will start to feel the pinch, especially when their power bills increase as temperatures drop.

A free in-home service, known as EnergyMate, could be the difference between a cold house and a warm home.

Our EnergyMate coaches visit homes just like yours, and provide in-home energy assessments. They will share tips and advice on the most efficient ways of using appliances, keeping homes warm, and trying to make sure people are on the most suitable power plan for their living situation.

One of the many positive outcomes delivering this service recently was when our EnergyMate coach visited Emma*, a retired woman living on her own, who just couldn’t keep her home warm. After completing the in-home energy assessment, one of the issues that was identified was that her home had no curtains.

With very high power bills and health concerns due to living in a cold environment, we were pleased to be able to help. Our EnergyMate coach got in contact with a curtain bank, who were able to supply her with curtains at no cost, to help insulate her windows. Our EnergyMate coach was even on hand to help hang the curtains!

Emma was absolutely thrilled and noticed an immediate difference to how warm her home was. Our coach also checked with her power provider and found that if she swapped her plan, she could save money each month.

Adding to that some simple tips and advice on how to use her appliances more efficiently, Emma now knows she has the means to warm her home without breaking the bank and no longer fears receiving a power bill she can’t afford to pay.

It’s services like these that make a true difference to the lives of people who would otherwise struggle to pay their power bills or live in cold and often damp homes through the coldest part of the year.

“I can finally keep my home warm, thank you so much!”
Emma*, Family Works client

* Name and image changed to protect privacy


93% of people who had an EnergyMate visit reported to have a better understanding of their home energy and electricity use.

Our EnergyMate coaches can help kiwis get on the power plan that best suits their needs, give advice on heating their home and using appliances efficiently. We can help people make the most of their electricity and break down everything they need to know about their home and appliances, electricity use, and power bill.
For more information please visit EnergyMate or energymate.nz


Winter People Magazine PDF download

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