Over 600 people volunteer with Presbyterian Support Otago, and they contribute almost 60,000 hours every year.
The thousands of hours that volunteers generously give through Presbyterian Support Otago is central to a range of programmes and activities which the organisation provides every week. This has significant impact on the lives of countless Otago residents and families.
Presbyterian Support Otago Chief Executive Michael Parker said, “As we celebrate International Volunteers Day, I want to thank each of our volunteers for the significant contribution they make in their local communities right across Otago. You give so much to the organisation and the community.”
“Some people have been volunteering for decades and others have become involved more recently. We have volunteers who do something every week, and others who assist occasionally with one off term activities.”
Volunteers enjoy being involved in Presbyterian Support Otago for a range of reasons.
“I really enjoy knowing I’m making a difference in the life of someone, even is a small way. It’s very satisfying,” explains Sharon, who transports people to our day programmes.
"Being a volunteer can be rewarding and you have a lot of fun. If I can make someone laugh when I talk to them I've done some good," says John, who volunteers each week as part of the Club Enliven day programme.
“It’s a great way to meet people from various backgrounds who you can have conversations with. You will always get back what you put in – volunteering is not just a one-way street,” adds Stephen, who assists residents with music activities at Ross Home.
Presbyterian Support Otago has plenty of opportunities for anyone who is keen to become involved as a volunteer. For more information about volunteering with Presbyterian Support Otago contact Michelle on 03 477 7115 or visit our Volunteer page.