3 March 2021

Message from Jo Rowe - CEO

We have much we want to accomplish this year, so that we can better serve our communities. Life can be an uncertain adventure though, and never more so than with a global pandemic still raging in many other countries across the world.

At PSO we are absolutely committed to keeping our clients, residents, customers and staff safe. You can be part of this team effort by using the COVID Tracer phone app to scan QR codes wherever you go or keeping a physical record, such as a COVID Tracer booklet. Older people are especially vulnerable to COVID 19, and we must keep them safe!

I was humbled by the support shown to PSO over the Christmas period – we are deeply grateful to all the individuals, organisations and schools who donated time, goods or money so that we could provide hope and joy to local people needing support.

Blessings to you all,

Jo Rowe
CEO Presbyterian Support Otago

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