Jeffery McLeod, affectionately known as ‘Cloudy’, has lived just about all his life in New Zealand, mostly in Wanaka and a short stint in Sydney in the early 1980s.
As a fifth generation New Zealander, Cloudy was born in Cromwell and earned the nickname from former colleagues. His career has been eclectic, having left school when he was 15, something his father had insisted on.
Cloudy has spent a good deal of his working life in the outdoors, including working for the Internal Affairs Wildlife Division (prior to the inception of the Department of Conservation). Cloudy recalls training young men how to safely get in and out of helicopters, staying low to avoid contact with the moving blades!
“I created some training props where men had to climb onto a trailer that was placed under a rotary clothesline. I made sure the clothesline had some padding because it was inevitable each man would get hit in the head! You only have to be hit once and you’ll learn not to do that again!”
It’s clear that Cloudy has a great love of the outdoors and he believes this was probably the happiest time of his life.
He’s also enjoyed his fair share of parties and entertainment, and can recall many times being out all night, getting home at 6am and then going to work! “It was a lovely life,” recalls Cloudy!
Asked to describe his family, he talks fondly of his father.
“Dad was a gentleman, a man who was dedicated to his community and he shared that with me. Dad was the first boat commodore on Lake Wanaka and was always doing something to help others.”
But Cloudy’s true love is his 10-year-old Labrador, Tynx.
“I’ve had dogs all my life, my first being a corgi and now Tynx,” says Cloudy.

The beautiful chocolate-coloured Tynx sits nearby and while her health isn’t the best and her hearing is compromised, her company is clearly cherished by her owner.
Health issues and a prosthetic leg have left Cloudy in need of special care, something that is now being provided by the wonderful Aspiring Enliven Care Centre team in Wanaka.
At first Cloudy was reluctant to accept the care. He wasn’t going to move unless he could take Tynx with him so special arrangements were made and a room with a private courtyard was found that is perfect for him and Tynx.
Cloudy describes himself as “bent but not broken”. He has lived a busy and interesting life and this enjoyment continues at Aspiring
Enliven, being cared for by the Enliven healthcare team who have his and Tynx’s best interests at heart.
Banner: Jeffery (Cloudy) McLeod, resident at Aspiring Enliven Care Centre .
Photo on right: Cloudy’s best friend, Tynx.
Aspiring Enliven Care Centre, Wanaka
Located on Cardrona Valley Road, in beautiful Wanaka, Aspiring Enliven is home to 51 residents.