Our Enliven care homes, villages and community programmes are places where you can bring your passions and hobbies to life every day. At Enliven’s Wanaka Retirement Village, Robin and Bruce have discovered the (piano) keys to a good party!
Robin and Bruce enjoyed sharing their latest Lego build in the Village lounge with friends at fellow resident Roy’s 90th birthday party.
When asked about their next project, Bruce said they were taking a wee break after this project. “A bit of a slow down is required!”, he laughed.
“We’ve built 23 Lego technic models and a range of precision laser machined wooden models from UGears in the Ukraine.
This working model of a grand piano took us a couple of hours each day for
five weeks.”
At Enliven, there‘s time to do as much or as little as you like. This is your time, and your choice!
For more information about our retirement villages please visit www.psotago.org.nz/services/retirement-living/