Family Works Guardian Angel

Be a little bit good.  For just a $1 a day be a Family Works Guardian Angel and give lasting help to Otago's children and families in need.

Become a Family Works Guardian Angel today. Each day, every month, you’ll know that you are helping Otago’s most vulnerable children to find strength in their family and build the skills for a better life. Being a Guardian Angel is the best way to make sure they get the help and lasting skills they need. 

Start today 

Payroll Giving - give as you earn. To find out more about becoming a Guardian Angel through payroll giving head here

Poverty and hunger

Sometimes, money is so tight for Diane that she has to choose between paying the bills, or buying groceries. She will go without dinner herself so that her children can have more on cold nights. With the support of Family Works Guardian Angels, Diane receives help with emergency food parcels, advocacy and budget advice.

Unsafe housing

Homelessness and inadequate housing are growing issues in Otago. Beth and her two children rent a small house. She works fulltime, earning the minimum wage. Over 40% of her weekly income is spent on rent. When the cost of heating and other bills are added up, there's little left. Thanks to the support of Guardian Angels, Beth is now getting the help she needs to negotiate with social services and find affordable housing. One of her boys is in the Family Works Buddy programme, and enjoying the friendship of a caring adult Buddy.

Family breakdown

Holly’s dad yelled at her mum and said he’s never coming back. Holly believes him. It feels like her dad just died. Family breakdown can be traumatic for a young child. The feelings of grief, loss and even guilt can overwhelm them. Becoming a Guardian Angel means Family Works can help children and families in crisis with counselling, dispute resolution services, education and play therapy. We work with every member of a family to make them stronger.

Children in trouble

Jack is angry. He doesn’t know why, but it makes him do things he hates. Breaking glass, hitting kids, shouting at mum, just like dad does. No matter how hard he tries, the only thing he’s ever been good at is being bad. Guardian Angels support Family Works to help children and teenagers like Jack learn to cope with life’s ups and downs through programmes like YouthGrow, Growing Taller, Incredible Years and the Buddy Programme.

 Donate today and get your angel wings

nice man Angel