17 September 2024

Making a difference

You can make a difference to those who need help by donating to Family Works & Enliven community services

By supporting Family Works & Enliven community services, you can help people in your local area to access the support they need.

Whether it is the foodbank, financial mentoring, social work services, one of our children’s or parenting programmes, or our Enliven visiting volunteers, with your help we can provide the support our community needs.

Your generosity makes a world of difference and we’re very grateful for it. Making regular donations means we can meet the need in the community.

support our foodbanksupport our social workers support our parenting and group programmes

With your support we can

Provide food parcels to local people who need support. Our foodbank is often an entry point for people to access supports they were unaware of.

Provide social work support for people in complex stiuations to not only help with their current needs, but set them up to succeed going forward.

Help tamariki through our group programmes to learn how to regulate their emotions and grow confidence.

food parcelssocial work hoursBuddy Programme

Summer People Magazine 2024

Download a PDF of our People Magazine - 3.5MB