17 September 2024

Message from our CEO

Farewell from Jo O’Neill 

As you read this edition of People I have since left PSO and the organisation is now in the safe and competent hands of Interim CEO, Robbie Moginie.
For me personally, the last five years have been an amazing journey with many highs but a few lows. The mahi PSO does in the Otago community is phenomenal and I will always treasure my time at the helm of leading the organisation through Covid-19, the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry, and the financial strains which come from changing government priorities. I will continue to advocate for the sector, and for PSO as an organisation who cares for those in greatest need. As I hand over the reigns to Robbie, I ask that you, as a committed supporter, continue to care for this remarkable organisation.

Ngā mihi

Jo O’Neill
Former CEO, Presbyterian Support Otago


Message from Robbie Moginie 

I feel privileged to be entrusted with the leadership of PSO while we work through to a permanent replacement for Jo. My aim is to draw on the incredible experience, skills, compassion and dedication of all our staff, volunteers and supporters.

Now more than ever, we depend on the many people who collectively create such a special community of support for those who most need us. We are focused on learning and growing from our history and continuing to focus all our resources and energy on those we are here to serve.

I am deeply appreciative for the voices and offers of support that have generously been offered from so many of you, as we navigate the next phase of PSO’s legacy for Otago.

Ngā mihi nui

Robbie Moginie
Interim CEO, Presbyterian Support Otago

Summer People Magazine 2024

Download a PDF of our People Magazine - 3.5MB