17 September 2024

Stroke survivor’s never giving up pays dividends

When Ian* suffered a debilitating stroke 18 years ago, his life changed forever. From being a family man with friends and a job, Ian hit rock bottom.

Because of the effects of the stroke, Ian lost his family, his friends and his job and for many years was unable to receive the help he desperately needed.

“Since my stroke I’ve never really had the proper help I need,” says Ian. “This meant I was really limited in what I could do. I’d try to do things, but I’d get confused and very tired.”

But that all changed just five months ago – enter Family Works Family Whānau worker, Anthea*, who has been instrumental in getting the right supports in place so that Ian can start to rebuild his life.

“Ian was living in a garage, so I’ve been able to help with Work & Income appointments and when a new permanent home was found, I helped him with the lease,” says Anthea.

Anthea then turned her attention to other supports for Ian, including attending appointments as a support person, and putting him in touch with agencies including the Brain Injury Trust and Your Way Kia Roha.

An occupational therapist is now assisting with physical aids such as handrails and Ian is also receiving home help.

“There were many times I was in a dark place. I would get upset and frustrated, spending weeks at a time in my room without venturing out. Now, since meeting Anthea, I’m starting to get my life back on track. Knowing that Family Works and Anthea are willing to help and having people support me is great,” says Ian.

For Ian, having suffered a great deal following his stroke, life is starting to improve now that he has Anthea walking alongside him to help navigate the systems and reduce the barriers to accessing support.

Banner image: * Names and images changed to protect privacy (stock image used)

Our Family Works teams across Otago

Our Family Works teams across Otago

Dunedin 407 Moray Place, Dunedin

Central Otago Alexandra Community House, 
20-40 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra

Wanaka Community Hub, 
34 McDougall Street, Wanaka

South Otago
14C James Street, Balclutha

North Otago
27 Coquet Street, Oamaru 

To contact Family Works please call us on freephone 0508 396 678.

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Summer People Magazine 2024

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