17 November 2023

Honoured for her service

We would like to congratulate Julie Cecchi on her Presbyterian Support Otago Life Membership award, in recognition of her outstanding contribution in volunteering. Julie is pictured with Board Chair Stephanie Pettigrew (left) and CEO Jo O’Neill (right).

Life member

Tim Mepham

Tim Mepham, retired PSO Board Member, was acknowledged at our recent AGM. We would like to show our great appreciation to Tim for his dedication to PSO, serving on the Board for the last 15 years. We wish him well in his new position within the Otago Regional Council.
Tim continues to serve PSO on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and as a director for PSO Retirement Villages Ltd.

Tim Mepham - 2023 AGM

Summer People Magazine 2023

Download a PDF of our People Magazine - 6.5MB