People in Otago share a wonderful sense of community, we see this through our staff, volunteers and people who donate to us, all helping to support our community.
In this edition of People Magazine we share stories of real people in our community who have found the support they need to live, learn and thrive!
Happy reading!
Spring People Magazine 2024 - digital edition
Message from the CEO
Farewell from Jo O’Neill. As you read this edition of People I have since left PSO and the organisation is now in the safe and competent ...Update from our Board
Tēnā koutou katoa. As I greet you, Presbyterian Support Otago is in a season of change and reflection...An essential ingredient for active and fulfilled lives
Tactile, dexterity, humour, sensory, entertaining, demonstrative...Stroke survivor’s never giving up pays dividends
When Ian* suffered a debilitating stroke 18 years ago, his life changed forever. From being a family man...Buddies in every sense of the word
Since May 2021 Trevor Dyke and Sean Crawford meet up for a couple of hours every week to venture out...A team effort
The Ross Home library is run by a team of four volunteers who give their time to deliver the popular library service...One-off volunteers make our spaces nicer at Stepping Stones and Club Enliven
We are very blessed with the number of people who...A conversation about aged care
The decision for an older person to move out of their own home and into residential aged care...Our staff going above and beyond to help
We had some lovely feedback from Te Whatu Ora about a very special short-term resident, who was...Nurses attend infection prevention and control study seminar
Upskilling our staff is a key part of making sure our residents receive the best...Iona care home – the old boiler isn’t what it used to be’s giving us the cold shoulder
The old coal boiler at Iona Home in Oamaru...Glowing report for Ross Home
Ross Home staff have been congratulated and thanked, following a recent independent audit...Spring Notice Board
Residents finding their groove! Residents at Elmslie House in Wanaka have started weekly dance classes..A time to celebrate
The first anniversary of the merger of Shop on Carroll and Shop on St Andrew is fast approaching...Thank you from the foodbank
Thanks to the generosity of the local community, Octacan 2024 was a remarkable success with...We are people helping people
Every day is different for Community Relations Advisor, Joy Davis, offering to connect PSO staff...Dutch Apple Cake
Residents at our care homes enjoy freshly cooked meals, including a delicious dessert with their main meal of the day...You can make a difference to those who need help
By supporting Family Works & Enliven community services, you can help people in your local area...