Tenā koutou,
The relationship between PSO and the Southern Presbytery has been formalised with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
While PSO, the Southern Presbytery and Presbyterian Churches have worked closely together over the years, to have this signed MOU in place is wonderful.
The relationship between PSO and the Church is extremely important, and the MOU reflects our commitment to that relationship. Our Board Chair and Deputy Chair, Stephanie Pettigrew and Kerry Enright, respectively, are very supportive of the MOU, both sharing a similar sentiment that the relationship between PSO and the church is a long-standing one and one that must be kept relevant and alive.
This is one of the reasons why our Community Relations Advisor, Joy Davis, is working to strengthen the partnership as both organisations serve our communities.
To have an agreement which aligns with our values and intentions, as well as recognising our whakapapa to the Presbyterian Church supports our collective desire to serve others.
Ehara tāku toa I te toa takitahi,
Engari he toa takitini
My strength is not as an individual,
But as a collective
Ngā mihi
Jo O’Neill
CEO, Presbyterian Support Otago

PSO Board Chair, Stephanie Pettigrew, says PSO was born out of the Presbyterian Church in Otago and while PSO now operates as a distinct entity to the Church, the Church and its people remain one of PSO’s most important stakeholders.
Image: Stephanie Pettigrew and Southern Presbytery Moderator James Watt sign the MOU