Volunteering brings five years of new friendships 2 March 2018 John Meek has been involved as a volunteer with our Enliven services in Alexandra for over five years. He's made many friends along the way. Michael set to take the reigns 2 March 2018 Michael Parker arrives this month, and is well prepared to lead the organisation as our new Chief Executive. Keeping older residents connected 2 March 2018 One of the projects we undertook last year was to explore the needs of older residents who live in the community. Moving forward with your support 2 March 2018 As we look ahead, there are some exciting new opportunities that are facing us. Making a difference 21 February 2018 Family Works Buddy Programme understands the importance of connecting to people. A positive connection is needed between people, to assist with mental and emotional well-being. Sometimes you just need a Buddy 15 February 2018 Humans are social creatures. We don’t always have to be with people, but we need to know that someone we can trust is there if we need them. 'Take the Leap' pub quiz and action 7 February 2018 Join us for a fun-filled evening as we raise money to contribute towards the cost of 'Take the Leap', a new vibrant piece of street art that now adorns Guthrie... Thank you for your donations / Christmas hours 18 December 2017 Thank you for your amazing donations Thank you so much to so many generous families, individual and businesses in the community who have called in with donations in the last few... Generosity makes positive change 4 December 2017 The tradition of gift-giving is an important part of the Christmas season for many; it is one way to demonstrate care between friends and family. Faces behind our teams 4 December 2017 Behind every team of volunteers is always someone looking after the group. Cooking for Change 4 December 2017 A limited number of Dick Frizzell’s ‘Cooking for Change’ books were gifted to us by the author, and are for sale. Individual support makes a world of difference 4 December 2017 How fortunate we are that everyone is unique, and has different circumstances that make them the people they are. Give others your support this Christmas 4 December 2017 Our appeal this Christmas asks you to give your support. Looking back 4 December 2017 It's been a busy and productive year for Presbyterian Support Otago. Life memberships awarded 4 December 2017 Two Life Membership Awards were presented at our 2017 AGM. Group work empowering Otago families 4 December 2017 We facilitate a range of group work programmes, for children and whānau. The impact they have for participants is significant and lasting. New Chief Executive appointed for PSO 30 November 2017 Presbyterian Support Otago Board Chairman David Richardson is very pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Parker as the incoming Chief Executive of the regional organisation. Movies for teens 29 November 2017 Christmas is for teenagers too! Give a vulnerable teenager the chance to go to the movies this summer and feel like a regular kid. Good Sorts: Otago University students who party at rest home 8 November 2017 TV One’s Good Sorts, which runs at the end of the Sunday news, featured Aquinas College in Dunedin visiting Ross Home, last Sunday night.